Please submit softcopy of your abstracts and Papers at e-mail:

All papers will be evaluated through a double blind review process consulted by drawing experts from Institutions/ Universities/ Organizations of repute. Authors should please note the following :

1. The papers should

  • Be based on original work not yet published, not exceeding 1000 words or 10 pages.
  • Be based on original work not yet published, not exceeding 1000 words or 10 pages.

      Format for abstract is :
    • Title of paper
    • Name/s of Author
    • Statement of problems
    • Core concept
    • Findings / Practicle implications
    • Conclusion
  • Authours of the paper are hereby authorising the rights to edit, alter, modify, copy and make changes in the article submitted by them so as to make it suitable for publication.
  • Full paper to be submitted on or before 31th Jan 2011.
  • One hard copy and one soft copy should be submitted in A4 size, MS-Word format, Times New Roman Font with heading in font size 14 and the remaining text of size 12 with spacing 1.5 as a single file.
  • Heading (s) must be short, with a clear indication of the distinction between the hierarchy of headings.
2. All figures (charts, diagrams, etc.) and photographic images, if any should be submitted in both electronic form and as hard copy in originals. They should be numbered properly.

3. End Notes: all notes should be indicated by serial numbers in the text.

4. References:
  • Literature cited should be detailed under the reference in alphabetical order of the surnames followed by year of publications immediately after the authors name.
  • Journal references should be listed as follows: Sharma, G S, (2001). Capital Restructuring, Vikalpa, 26 (4), 3-18
  • Books should be referred to as follows: Mahendru, M K, (2002). Production and Operations Management, New Delhi: Kalyani Publishers.
  • References from Internet should be referred to as follows: Kapil, C., Marketing Millinieum: Bringing two paradigms together, Nov. 2008; Price Water Coopers,
  • Manuscripts that do not conform to the requirements are subject to rejection.
5. A brief autobiographical note should be attached including full name, affiliation, full contact details, email address and a brief professional biography.

6. Participation should be confirmed on or before 31st January, 2011 by sending the completed Delegate Registration Form, along with Registration Fees.

Contest :

Best Papers will be invited for presentation during the seminar and best three will be given awards and citations.

The authors of the papers which are selected for presentation during the seminar will be intimated within a week from date of submission.

Publication :

Selected papers will be published in seminar Proceedings with ISBN No. and best papers will be published in peer review journal "SBR" having ISSN No. 0974-0579